Georgia Anesti is a graduate of the Drama School of the ART THEATRE KAROLOS KOUN. As a student, she acted in the play “Man is Man” by Bertolt Brecht, with Giorgos Lazanis. She attended theater seminars with Antonis Antypas and Vasilis Diamantopoulos. She took part in many productions of THEATRE THYMELI by Elli Vozikiadou and THEATRE MASKS by Giorgos Christofilakis. She is a founding member of the EXPERIMENTAL STAGE of the NATIONAL THEATRE under Nikos Kourkoulos and collaborated with Sotiris Chatzakis (“The Dead’s Brother”). She worked at Municipal Theatre of Kozani with Koraes Damatis (“Angela” by Giorgos Sevastikoglou). She worked for a long period on Ancient Drama, especially with the AMPHI-THEATRE of Spyros Evaggelatos at the Epidaurus Festival (Medea, Hecuba, Andromache, Phoenician Women, Olympia-Irene, Electra). She replaced Leda Tassopoulou in the role of Andromache (Ancient Theatre of Oiniades). She collaborated with Elias Malandris in the plays “Thyestes”, “Epoch in Hell” and “John Gabriel Borkman”. She participated in several films (“18”, “Affection to the People”, “1866”, “Volcano”, “Trophos”, “Morning Fall”, “Dawn”, “Mirupafsim”, “Makeup”, “A Suspect Citizen”, “Fanouropita”) and TV series (“Bracelet of Fire”, “Karma”, “Shadows in the Colonnade”, “The Petted Children”, “Counter”, “The Other Side of the Wall”, “Weak Lies”, “The Prince”, “The Eye of the Snake”, “Friends”, “Parallel Roads”, “City Roads”, “Ethos Police Department”). She trained and specialized in Orthofony with teacher Kaiti Papalexopoulou. Vocal training with Spyros Sakkas at the Centre of Ancient Drama BONDS, Classical Singing with tenor Zachos Terzakis, and Folk Singing with Panagiotis Mylonas. Since 2013, she has been teaching Orthophony at the THEATRE OF CHANGES and organizes special seminars & workshops at the Theocharakis Foundation, the Katakouzinos House Museum, the OTE Academy, and the Arsakeio Schools. Since 2020, she is a member of the Advisory Committee and president of the Examinations Committee for Higher Drama Schools of the Ministry of Culture.