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50/50: Gender Equality also in Cinema

Film festival / April 2017

The General Secretariat for Gender Equality, WIFT GR (Women in Film and Television Greece) and the Greek Film Archive jointly organized a three-day film festival entitled “50/50: Gender Equality also in Cinema”. The festival took place at the premises of the Greek Film Archive in Athens on 7-9/4/2017 with the support of the Embassy of Sweden in Greece and the Swedish Film Institute.

The opening night, on April 7, was marked by a panel discussion on the female presence and creation in film industry. Main panelist and guest of honor was Helen Ahlsson, Swedish Film Commissioner and producer, who explained how gender equality has been reached in Sweden without using a quota system. Four WIFT GR members participated in the panel: Maria Komninos, President of the Greek Film Archive, director Olga Malea, producer Valery Contakos and journalist Evanna Venardou who coordinated the discussion.

The program of the festival included the screening of the following five films:

1) “Pure” – a drama by Lisa Langseth with Oscar-winning Alicia Vikander, produced by Helen Ahlsson (Sweden, 2010).

2) “Armwrestler from Solitude” – a documentary by Lisa Munthe and Helen Ahlsson (Sweden, 2004)

3) “Lipstick Under My Burkha” – a comedy/drama from India by Alankrita Shrivastava banned in its own country (India, 2016)

4) “League of Exotique Dancers” – a documentary by Rama Rau (Canada, 2016)

5) “Exotica, Erotica, etc.” – a documentary by Evangelia Kranioti (Greece, 2015).

“Pure” and “Lipstick Under My Burkha” screened for the first time in Greece gathering a large audience and an enthusiastic applause.

The event has gained a European and international recognition thanks to the WE-gate platform on the promotion of women’s entrepreneurship, a promising project by the European Commission/DG Growth.
